Pop news
Reports are just coming in from U2 that Bono has been told off by his mum for standing too close to The Edge.
Cloning: Update
Scientists from the world renowned Society for the Extension and Expansion of Scientific Knowledge And Wisdom Department University Awareness Campaign have today announced the results of their experiments to be the first to successfully clone an egg.
Speaking to our science reporter, R. Sciencereporter, Prof. S. Orr of the Group enthused: "Yay! We're the frickkin' best, us!"
Proof, as if you needed it, is featured below.
An eggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAnother egg
Gang of eleven
We know that the intriguingly-named Liberal peer Lord Razzle is one of the people behind this "letter of no confidence" that is swishing around the Lib Dems at the moment, but what of the other ten?
Here, we exclusively reveal the names of Charlie Kennedy's nemeses:
Sir Glenfiddich
Mike Mineapint
Arthur Guinness
Nigel Swift-Halffe
Henry Bacardi
Ann Otheronefortheroad
Jim Andtonic
Helen Absinthe
Martine Nee
Jack Scrumpy
No wonder he's turned to the drink!
Conservation watch
It's good to be green (unless you're the colour of my work-shirt today, which really isn't nice).
And with world-wide interest in saving the planet at an all time apathetic "pfft", it is great to see peoples' efforts really paying off in one particular area.
A small group of people are helping to save something that in itself is insignificant, but without it, we would all surely perish.
These folks - known as 'dieters' have taken a vow to cut down on their intake of 'calories'. This, they hope, will ensure that the calorie lives on and provides joy and delight to many more generations to come.
And indeed, the results of their work can be seen throughout the world. A trip to calorie haven "Tescos" will allow you to witness the continued spread of the calorie throughout everybody's lives. Thanks to the dedication of the dieters and their continuing fight to consume as few calories as possible, I have seen with my own eyes sandwiches filled with nearly 1,500 calories; desserts with over 2,000 calories per portion; snacks, treats and pies all designed to contain as many calories as possible. It seems that no matter how many calories people eat, yet more are produced.
Scientists speculate that an exponential growth in calories over the next five years will have a directly inverse effect on energy levels throughout the UK.
Which is, when you think about it, odd.
But, when you think about it, true.
Prof. S. Orr of the International Science Something Or Other Panel For The Dissemination Of Things Scientific Team told us, "As calories are spotted in more and more places around the UK, we are finding that the coverage of the common PS2 is also growing. As is the size of everyone's arses."
Congratulations Britain! Our land is swelling with pride - or is the pasties? - and calories are now more prevalent in the UK than ever!
Gas crisis: Resolved
Market forces and increased global consumption being what they are, our ever-depleting reserves of natural gas have led scientists to discover something called "unnatural gas".
Whilst they have a process that will allow an infinite amount of unnatural gas to be created, the resulting product has the following disadvantages:
1. It decides whether or not to ignite.
2. It can, at will, change between being a solid, a liquid or a gas. Or something else which science has yet to explain.
3. It smells unnatural. But can have a pine-fresh scent added to disguise this.
4. It can talk. (And not in the nice, friendly British Gas adverts way).
5. For every BTU of unnatural gas used, a tiny piece of your soul is taken away from you.
6. When moving through gas pipes, the sound it makes is in a musical key somewhere near K#.
7. Chemically similar to Bolivian wine.
8. Has a half-life of 25,000 years.
Hopefully a number of these factors can be ironed out soon. And as long as the boffins work it out, we should have a source of cheap, if slightly menacing, energy for the future.
Vladimir Putin has already put in an order for his Comrades in the Ukraine.